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Pensord And The Environment

Pensord takes its environmental and corporate social responsibilities very seriously. The site incorporates an area of special natural interest and the river Sirhowy flows nearby. We are so serious that in 2012 we became one of the first UK printers to achieve ‘Zero to Landfill’ certification and this is something we have maintained to the present day.

Pensord is certified to ISO 14001 and FSC®/PEFC chain of custody and utilises modern energy efficient machinery and vegetable based inks. All of our waste materials, such as paper waste, used printing plates, cardboard and polythene, are recycled.

In 2021 we became one of the first print companies to commit to carbon balancing all of our paper on behalf of our clients.  Pensord chose to sign up to the World Land Trust, whose patron is Sir David Attenborough, and whose efforts today have protected over 2.5 million acres of important land and planted over 2.5 million trees. 

Our clients are able to secure certification of the carbon they have offset by using the paper purchased by Pensord and can display they environmental credentials with use of the WLT logo.

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